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Things to Know About Adopting from Foster Care

Published: Jan 24, 2018 in Adoption

As family law attorneys, one of the best things we get to do is help people expand their families through adoption. While some individuals choose to go through a private agency and adopt a child from another state or country, you also have the option…

Advice for High Asset Divorce

Published: Dec 29, 2017 in Divorce

Divorce by itself can bring with it a range of difficult emotions without even considering the issue of money and property. High asset divorce also adds another set of challenges to be handled by both parties. There are complexities involved with accounting high-value assets, including…

How Are Holidays with Kids Decided After a Divorce?

Published: Dec 18, 2017 in Divorce

Although the holidays are often a joyful time for many families, for those with children having to deal with the divorce of their parents, it can be very rough. In addition to celebrating the holiday, families often have their own unique traditions over these special…

Inheritance After a Divorce

Published: Dec 11, 2017 in Divorce

The issues related to inheritance after a divorce can be complex and challenging to sort out. You may rely on the assumption that the assets from an inheritance you received, whether prior to your marriage or during your marriage, are exclusively your own. However, particular…

How to Keep Your House in a Divorce

Published: Nov 29, 2017 in Divorce

People who are getting divorced often look forward to starting a new life after their decree is signed. For many, this means getting rid of everything that reminds them of their previous marriage – the house, their car, and even their clothes or hairstyle. But…

Surviving Thanksgiving After a Divorce

Published: Nov 22, 2017 in Divorce

The holidays can be a difficult time for divorced people. You could get caught up in the nostalgia of past memories spent with your family, or you might still have lingering feelings about your split. But it’s important to remember that surviving Thanksgiving after a…

New PA Divorce Law Should Speed Up the Process

Published: Nov 15, 2017 in Divorce

The divorce process can be difficult on everyone involved. In addition to everything that you and your family are going through, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has not always made finalizing a divorce easy or fast. However, a new law under House Bill 380, may allow…