Pittsburgh Father’s Rights Attorney
Like mothers, fathers have valid rights to be in the lives of their children. Asserting those rights allows children to live more fulfilling lives.
Determining child custody is centered on one issue: the best interests of the child. As a result, custody is almost always granted to the party that is the most capable of satisfying the child’s physical, emotional, and mental needs. Unfortunately, mothers often have a distinct advantage in custody cases, as they often have a stronger emotional bond with their child. This is sometimes unavoidable, as mothers are usually more involved in infant care and more commonly stay home for child-rearing. However, fathers still have rights when it comes to the custody and care of their child, and with proper legal representation, courts are more likely to give fathers equal treatment under the law.
Our Pittsburgh custody lawyers at Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC realize that negotiating custody arrangements can be stressful. We will use our extensive experience in the field of custody law to present your case in the best possible light and ensure that your rights are protected.
Call (412) 471-5100 today to see how you can preserve the relationship with your child.
Defining a Father’s Rights
Despite the fact that the law doesn’t treat mothers different than fathers, many fathers still sense that mothers often have a significant advantage in custody cases. In Pennsylvania, laws explicitly deny bias towards either parent, but the majority of cases involving child custody conclude with the father being awarded far fewer rights than the mother.
While strong biases exist in society and the legal system, the custody laws of Pennsylvania grant equal custody rights to both the mother and father. A father’s custodial rights include, but are not limited to:
- The right to interact with and care for the child as outlined by the custody agreement
- The right to participate in activities during the parent’s allotted time with the child
- The right to visit with the child without fear of the other party’s threats, interruptions, or control
- The right to file a petition if the custody agreement is breached in any way
- The right to notify the court and propose a change to the custody order
- The right to file an emergency motion in the event that the other parent is putting the child in real and immediate danger
Increasing Your Chances of Obtaining Custody
As a father, it can be difficult to bond with your child. This is especially true if you are the sole provider for your family. Working constantly can mean that your child forms a stronger bond with its mother, making it much more likely that she will obtain a larger share of custody time. One way to increase your allotted custody time is through maximizing the quality of time you currently get with your child. Committing more resources and energy to your relationship with your child will facilitate the creation of a stronger bond. You then will be seen as an essential element of your child’s life. One that would be damaging to remove, and one that should have equal custody time as the mother.
Let Anthony Piccirilli Fight for Your Rights
Being involved in a custody battle can make you feel as if you are being treated unfairly. You have not done anything wrong, and you only seek the opportunity to provide a secure and loving home for your child. What’s more, losing custody could uproot everything you have worked so hard to establish.
Our Pittsburgh custody lawyers at Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC understand the turmoil that can arise in these situations. Anthony Piccirilli can help show the court that you are a capable and loving parent that deserves to be afforded the full benefit of your parental rights. Call (412) 471-5100 now to see how you parental rights can be protected.