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10 Common Mistakes People Make in a Divorce

Published: May 26, 2017 in Divorce

Every divorce is unique because your and your spouse’s thoughts, feelings, and actions are entirely your own. No two people handle a divorce the exact same way or have the exact same issues to settle. However, there are many common elements to every divorce, and…

7 Tips to Help You Get Through a Divorce

Published: Apr 28, 2017 in Divorce

If you are going through a divorce, you are likely experiencing one of the most painful and emotionally exhausting times in your life. The good news is that following these seven tips can help you get through your divorce and make life a whole lot…

Mediation During a Divorce

Published: Apr 21, 2017 in Divorce

If you and your spouse have decided on a divorce, there are likely some divorce issues that you won’t be able to agree upon. For this reason, mediation is a popular alternative to an official court hearing. Mediation can help you and your spouse find…

What Should I Do If I’m Served Divorce Papers?

Published: Mar 27, 2017 in Divorce

Being officially presented with legal documents such as divorce papers is formally known as “service of process” and it is necessary to begin any type of legal proceeding. Being served is how a party who begins a lawsuit gives formal notice to the other party…

How Does Marital Misconduct Affect Alimony in Pennsylvania?

Published: Mar 20, 2017 in Divorce

Marriages can end without either partner being at fault. Often times, you simply grow apart. Mutually agreeing to separately move forward in life is the best thing to do under the circumstances. However, your marriage may also end because you or your spouse did something…

Divorce Filings Spike in March

Published: Mar 13, 2017 in Divorce

If you are considering filing for divorce in the next 30 days, you are not alone. March is one of the most common months for individuals to begin divorce proceedings. University of Washington Associate Professor Julie Brines and doctoral candidate Brian Serafini found divorce filings…

Your Guide to Social Media During Divorce

Published: Feb 17, 2017 in Divorce

In this modern age, it is true that online comments, posts, messages, and pictures can affect the outcome of your divorce. Whether the information is taken from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tinder, or another platform, it can be used in court. If you are getting…

Top 5 Reasons for Divorce

Published: Feb 10, 2017 in Divorce

There is a persistent saying: 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. Whether or not this statistic is accurate is debated by various researchers and organizations. Some say this rate is still true, while other sources find the divorce rate peaked in the 1980s…