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Can I Keep My Ex’s Significant Other Away From My Kids?

Published: May 27, 2023 in Child Custody, Protection From Abuse (PFA)

Written by Anthony Piccirilli

One of the complications that can arise in a joint custody situation is when your child’s other parent dates someone else. It’s natural to feel anxious or jealous when you learn your ex has introduced their new romantic partner to your children. But regardless of feelings, you might have plenty of valid reasons to shield your child from this individual.

Can the Pennsylvania courts order your child’s other parent to keep their significant other away from your kids? The answer depends on your specific case. To learn more about your rights when co-parenting, contact a Pittsburgh child custody lawyer from Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC at (412) 471-5100 for a free and confidential consultation.

Can I Control Who My Ex Allows Around My Child?

In general, you only have the power to control which adults are around your child when you have your kid. When your child is with their other parent, they determine the child’s company.

However, there are instances where you might be able to control who is around your child when you’re not there. To do so, you either need the other parent’s agreement or evidence that their significant other is unsafe or unhealthy for your child’s well-being. Just remember: any interference into your ex’s personal life will be reflected in yours, too. The court will handle the situation equitably.

Your Ex’s Significant Other Puts Your Child at Risk

If your ex’s romantic partner is abusive towards your child, you may want to consider obtaining a Protection from Abuse Order. If you have legitimate concerns regarding your child’s safety and well-being around your ex’s significant other, contact one of our child custody lawyers immediately at (412) 471-5100.

You need to have information on the person’s current conduct before you can attempt to limit their access to your child. There could be evidence your ex’s significant other is an alcoholic, addicted to drugs, or has recently been convicted for a violent crime. This provides you with a lawful reason to take the issue to court and ask to modify your custody agreement.

Keep in mind that an individual’s past, such as a criminal conviction from years ago, is not necessarily evidence that he or she is bad for your child. Your lawyer can evaluate your case fully and help determine whether or not you have a legal reason to prevent this individual from interacting with your kids.

How the Court Will Decide Who Can Be Around Your Child

A judge will likely be hesitant to tell a parent they cannot introduce a new person to their child, particularly if a great deal of time has passed since the divorce or end of your relationship. Judges do not want to participate in one parent trying to control the other. However, a judge does want to keep your child safe and healthy.

If you return to court to address the other parent’s significant other’s presence in your child’s life, the judge will review the facts of the situation and determine whether your ex’s significant other’s involvement is within your child’s best interests.

If there is no evidence that the other adult is detrimental to your child’s physical health, mental well-being, or physical and mental growth, then you will likely have to live with their presence in your child’s life. However, there are many things that can point to the other parent’s significant other not being in your child’s best interests. If you have a bad feeling about the situation, trust your intuition and reach out to a lawyer anyway. We will investigate the circumstances and collect evidence to support your case.

Call Our Child Custody Lawyers for Help Today

If you are worried about another adult’s presence in your child’s life because of a health or safety issue, call a Pittsburgh family lawyer as soon as possible to protect your kids.

Our lawyers will first review your child’s custody situation to determine the other parent’s current rights and obligations. We will then look into your concerns regarding your ex’s significant other. Once we have additional information, we can try to work with your child’s other parent directly and advise you on whether returning to court on this issue is a good idea.

For more information on your options and rights, contact us online or at (412) 471-5100 to schedule a consultation.