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Divorce Without A Lawyer

Divorce can be complicated and the outcome may impact the rest of your life. A Pittsburgh divorce attorney can make the process much easier.

Going through a divorce can be difficult for a number of reasons. There are countless issues to resolve, such as those related to child support, spousal support payments, and child custody rights. In most cases, both spouses are too distraught to think clearly, and addressing the many processes that must be followed can seem all but impossible. While it can appear beneficial from a financial standpoint, going through a divorce without a lawyer can be disastrous. Without the help of a legal professional to create a divorce agreement, you may be forced to accept the order of a judge, which can seem unfair.

If you are currently going through a divorce, you are likely worried about the numerous complications involved. What’s more, you may be concerned that you will be unable to cooperate with your spouse when it comes time to negotiate terms. The Pittsburgh divorce lawyers at Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC realize how stressful ending a marriage can be, and attorney Anthony Piccirilli can help create a divorce agreement that is fair and balanced. He can also protect your interests if your spouse is trying to take advantage of your financial situation.

Call (412) 471-5100 now to see how your divorce can go as smoothly as possible.

Navigating the Court System

When going through a divorce, there are a number of processes that must be adhered to. Without the help of an experienced attorney, you could make a critical misstep that costs you significant money or custody time with your children. If you and your spouse are forced to take your case to court, for example, you may be unprepared to make an effective argument, or your spouse may have an experienced attorney on their side fighting you every step of the way.

When in court, it is also essential that you present evidence that shows your responsibility and respect for the law. A judge will be far more likely to listen to your requests if you present them in a way that is organized and logical. An attorney can prepare you for your hearing and help you present your side of the story.

A divorce lawyer can also be instrumental in helping you argue against payments that are being proposed. Imagine, for example, that your spouse is requesting a ridiculous amount of money in spousal support. Without a skilled attorney, you may not know how to present your financial situation in a way that proves that you cannot afford such a high payment.


The most effective way to end your divorce in a timely manner involves collaborating with your ex. Without the help of legal representation, this may be impossible. There is no doubt that you will disagree with your spouse on certain terms. If the argument becomes too heated, your spouse may try to take advantage of you in court. The presence of a lawyer can calm the situation. They can walk you through every point of the divorce agreement so you can calmly and effectively negotiate with your spouse.

Let Anthony Piccirilli Protect Your Rights

No one can blame you for being confused when it comes to the Pennsylvania divorce process and pursuing a divorce without a lawyer may seem like a cost-effective solution. But remember that you are going through a difficult time, and it is likely that you are experiencing shock and grief simultaneously. If you are a parent, it is likely that your attention is also focused the well-being of your children.

The Pittsburgh divorce lawyers at Pittsburgh Divorce & Family Law, LLC know what you are up against. Attorney Anthony Piccirilli can help you expedite the process and with years of legal experience, he can help you finalize your divorce in the most favorable way possible.

Call (412) 471-5100 or contact us online today to see how your legal rights can be protected.