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Author: Maureen Ginley

How to Keep Your House in a Divorce

29.11.2017 in Divorce

People who are getting divorced often look forward to starting a new life after their decree is signed. For many, this means getting rid of everything that reminds them of their previous marriage – the house, their car, and even their clothes or hairstyle. But…

Surviving Thanksgiving After a Divorce

22.11.2017 in Divorce

The holidays can be a difficult time for divorced people. You could get caught up in the nostalgia of past memories spent with your family, or you might still have lingering feelings about your split. But it’s important to remember that surviving Thanksgiving after a…

New PA Divorce Law Should Speed Up the Process

15.11.2017 in Divorce

The divorce process can be difficult on everyone involved. In addition to everything that you and your family are going through, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has not always made finalizing a divorce easy or fast. However, a new law under House Bill 380, may allow…

Birth Parent Rights After an Adoption

01.09.2017 in Adoption

Whether you are choosing to give a child up for adoption or are a prospective adoptive parent, you may wonder what birth parents’ rights are after an adoption. Do biological parents have any right to remain involved? Can they be required to make any future…